14 December 2021 Minutes


Alistair Backwell (Friends of Blaise),  Liz Viggars (SusWoT), Roger Moses (Friends of Badock’s Wood), Peter Coleman-Smith, Mark Maggs (Sustainable Henbury and Brentry), Bryony Cole (Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle Climate Action Group), Zac Jones (SMCDCAG)


Alex Dunn (SusWoT),

Discussions & Actions

Pollution Incidents – reporting

Following previous meeting, Allex had emailed all group leaders with details to send to volunteers about how to report incidents. From this a couple of volunteers have come forwards.

There has been no further feedback from the two incidents that had been reported to Wessex (Trowbridge Road and Wildlife Park). 

Peter had identified and reported sanitary litter (the worst he had ever seen) at Cherry Orchards. 

Yellow fish and rain in drain awareness

This activity is due to start next year and was not discussed at this meeting.

Wildlife Leaflet

Following revisions made after the last meeting, Peter’s leaflet was finalised and published on the website. A better link is needed from the home page as it’s currently a bit hidden away (action Liz).

Further publication was discussed. Roger reported that Friends of Badocks Wood may have funds available for printing costs. 

Need to decide print style (paper weight, layout etc) and volumes before costs can be confirmed. Parks have also expressed an interest in posters for the notice boards (eg in Blaise). 

Bryony explained that SMCDCAG had erected small, professional-looking signs along the walk that they had developed in the summer. We may want to consider a similar approach for other areas of the river.


  • Bryony to get feedback from local primary school in respect of their preferred format for the leaflet..
  • All to determine volumes that might be used by their groups and feedback to Peter/Alistair. 

 Winter Cleaning

Liz confirmed that two sessions per week were being organised to clean the river – particularly the deeper parts. However the  activity is very weather-dependent. If it has been raining, then visibility is too poor to make the session worthwhile.  Sessions are pencilled in for Friday and Sunday mornings. A minimum of 4 people are required for safety reasons.  Three sessions have been held so far. Max has also planned to run ad hoc sessions. Action: Liz to add Bryony to the circulation list.

Zac reported that somebody was living in a tent next to the Trym by Trym Cross Road and asked us to ensure that his belongings weren’t cleared away by enthusiastic volunteers. 

Silt Traps and Weirs 

The situation with the silt traps and the weirs was discussed. Resolution is likely to be a long-term and complex project.


  • Alistair agreed to start to develop an outline plan with Peter’s help
  • Outstanding from previous meeting: Roger to investigate potential to use a digger (from the Levels?) to clear the silt traps (cost?)

Bristol and Avon Catchment Partnership

Alex circulated links to the video of our river cleanings that was presented at the BACP conference. Peter explained that BACP were impressed with what we have been doing and  may be a source of potential funding for individual projects – and has funded activity on other local rivers. There may be potential for them to support a weir removal for example.


Liz reminded the group that Parks require H&S risk assessments for activities on their land and will be submitting the SusWoT paperwork for 2022 shortly.

Bryony is writing an article for the SMCD Community Voice. She will circulate once written, in case other groups want to adapt it for use in their own areas.

Mark reported that Sustainable Henbury and Brentry are planning an event for April 2022 and asked if any of the other groups would like to be involved in some way. Depending on the format, it may make sense for Trout in the Trym to have a ‘stall’.